What is the Difference between Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship?

Changing people’s shopping behavior has in fact influenced the way products and services are offered. Business owners no longer rely on physical locations to offer their products or services. They move it to online markets (e-commerce) and social media. Does this change contribute to creating a difference between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs?
Around the end of the 1970s, the term ‘self-employed’ was still being defined according to neoclassicalism. An entrepreneur means:
- People who dare to behave, think, and act according to their ability and courage to create their own work, earn their own living, and have a career with an independent attitude.
- People who have the urge to create something else, by using time and activities, accompanied by capital and risk, and receive remuneration and satisfaction and personal freedom for these endeavors.
Meanwhile, discussion of the term ‘entrepreneurship’ has only recently appeared in the development of modern economic theory. An entrepreneur can be categorized as an entrepreneur if they:
Creating creations and innovations;
- Have a long term vision;
- Mastering production, marketing, capital, or supervisory skills.
- Development of Usage Trends
After the emergence of the term ‘entrepreneurship’, there are also further definitions of entrepreneurship. The current generation may be more familiar with calling it entrepreneurship. The popularity of entrepreneurship is directly related to the universal free trade market.
The need for common understanding between countries, makes the term “entrepreneur” does not refer to entrepreneurship. Simultaneously with this momentum, the Indonesian business world is quite silent from further understandings about entrepreneurship. But, that does not mean that entrepreneurs have disappeared, huh.
Even the presence of entrepreneurs is still quite easy to find around you. If you ask people who were born in the era of baby boomers and generation x, they will definitely cite an example of a familiar entrepreneur. Incidentally, these two eras occurred long before the entry and development of the internet in Indonesia.
Similar but not the same
The reason the baby boomers and generation X are more familiar with ‘self-employed’ cannot be separated from the habits and trends that developed in both eras. Now that there is a trend in entrepreneurship, it is only natural that the discussion of “entrepreneurship” rarely appears.
Moreover, a small part of Generation X are also trying to adapt and follow the trend of millennials. It is not surprising that the Fifth Edition of the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI V), published by the Language Development and Development Agency, still equates the definition of ‘entrepreneurship’ with ‘entrepreneur’.
By looking at the phases of development and use, several differences between entrepreneurship and self-employed person can be recognized, including:
Business Focus
Judging from the mental attitude and independence, entrepreneurship and self-employment are similar. But the focus of entrepreneurial ventures is usually just part-time. Meanwhile, the focus of entrepreneurial efforts demands the entire time of his life. For example, an office worker who has a laundry business. He can be called an entrepreneur because the focus of his business is not just laundry. Because he still gets a monthly wage from the office, the laundry business he runs is a part-time business. If he was no longer under contract and focused full time on his laundry business, he could be categorized as an entrepreneur.
Asset ownership
The assets referred to here include ownership of money capital and the role of making decisions in business operations. Business actors who have their own assets can be called entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs are relatively involved in operations only. In recent developments, entrepreneurs who have travel businesses usually share decisions with other shareholders. Entrepreneurs like this are also not fully responsible for the mechanism for paying workers’ wages.
Business Scope
Based on the business scope, a business actor is very likely to be involved in more than one business field. For example, a travel entrepreneur who offers photo printing services for tours or homestay services in a destination. This model of business involvement and expansion is relatively not owned by an entrepreneur, as long as they do not invest their business knowledge in other types of business.
Innovation and Development Plan
If the business scope refers to other types of business, then the innovation and development plan is purely carried out for businesses that are already running. Most entrepreneurs have a strong understanding to always update their business approach according to the latest technology developments. This is quite different from the entrepreneur, who is relatively more traditional and quite complacent about his short-term goals.
Thus the discussion about the differences between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship, which will help you plan and prepare for sustainable business success. Whatever your business, don’t forget to use the lead conversion squared software. lcs2. So that the business you run continues to grow.