Impact of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics in Healthcare
When thinking of AI and robotics in the medical field, exoskeletons and robotic surgery are what that pops up to your mind first. However, in reality, there are several other ways machine learning and automation are transforming medical care practices at their core.
The notion of robots in the healthcare sector is not a new concept. Utilizing AI software ensures better security as well as offers boundless possibilities. Take a moment and imagine robots practising surgeries on humans in operation theatres. This mere thought of putting the patient’s life into the hands of mechanical robots seems petrifying.
But, it’s high time and the medical sector is getting ready to adopt it. However, it is already assisting the physicians in processing the data and aggregating, thereby making the treatment or diagnosis accurate. And this is the reason why medical robots are increasing at a fast pace. Indeed, there is a great impact of AI in healthcare.
As per the report from Credence Research, the global medical robotics market was estimated $7.24 billion in 2015, whereas it is expected to cross $20 billion by 2023.
New initiatives and startups begin every month, many with audacious aims and potential to transform their respective sectors. However, if you want to know the impact of artificial intelligence and robotics in healthcare sector, then follow along:
Diagnosis & Treatments of Fatal Diseases
Impact of artificial intelligence & robotics in diagnosing a life-threatening disease is quite significant. If given quality input data, indeed artificial intelligence is quite efficient in identifying and classifying patterns. Currently, this technology is being adopted for diagnostics. Examples for it include visual diagnostics of melanoma, advanced endoscopy, improving recall rates on mammography results, and likewise.
Additionally, nanobots have the ability to find out the origin of the disease and assess the internal organs through dedicated smartphone apps. This way, the patient can get to know what all precautions or medications are needed so to cure the disease. In the future, robots will be able to do remote diagnosis in the situation where doctors are out of reach. Sounds amazing right!
Robotic Staff Members
It is quite common for medical professionals to be flooded with different tasks or a healthcare centre that has inadequate manpower. So to overcome similar circumstances, nowadays many hospitals are using robots in order to manage repetitive tasks that mainly include measuring, mixing, and delivering medications to patients.
However, to handle high-volume, repeatable tasks, executing automation solutions in healthcare can be beneficial. One of the typical examples of the same that handle such tasks effectively is the TUG robot. This robot helps in carrying carts containing different supplies to a particular place where they are required.
This indeed helps in providing the staff with sufficient time and energy to concentrate on the human aspect of healthcare which mainly includes communicating and offering emotional comfort to the patients.
Indeed, there is a significant impact of AI in healthcare. However, it has been argued that robots and machines will replace humans in the workplace. But, there are speculations that the growing number of robots in different sectors will also result in the emergence of new jobs for humans.
Providing Patients with Prosthetics & Exoskeletons
Earlier, those who lost their limbs due to injury or disease and paralyzed patients had to accept their fate as there was no solution to it. But now, due to the advancement in technology, things have changed. Today, these people can regain the functionality of a particular body part and can indulge in sports activities.
Bionic exoskeletons can be used by paralyzed and disabled patients. They are basically wearable robotics and are worn at the hip and knee area. This robotic wearable device can also be used by those suffering from serious cord injuries and can help them stand upright and walk on their own. This clearly shows the impact of AI in healthcare industry!
Disinfecting Health Centres
Undeniably, there has been a boost in the number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria which are indeed responsible for hospital-acquired infections (HAI). This kind of infections are the cause of death worldwide. In order to overcome this problem, the robot has been developed which uses high-intensity UV light and hydrogen peroxide vapours in order to disinfect the healthcare facility.
This robotic device works effectively and results in the cellular damage of harmful microorganisms. This indeed helps in reducing HAI related cases.
Rehabilitating & Assisting Patients
Disabled and elderly patients usually require special attention and care. However, due to inadequate caregivers, it might be difficult for patients to get the type of support that they need. For this, there are robots that assist patients recovering from serious medical conditions such as spinal cord injuries or those with disabilities.
The best part about these robots is that they can also be personalized as per the requirements of the patient, thereby providing speedy recovery to the patient. For example, RIBA (Robot for Interactive Body Assistance) can move and carry patients from the wheelchair to bed as well as can help them to stand on their feet.
Apart from this, in order to implement automation solutions in healthcare, you need to hire RPA developer who can meet your development requirements & offer you optimal solution.
Assisting Surgeons or Healthcare Providers
Today, we have medical robots helping physicians during the surgery and one such name is the da Vinci Surgical System. It comprises a 3D HD vision system and tiny wristed instrument that moves like human hands. While performing any major or minor operation, the surgeon has complete control over the robot.
As this device moves and operates with great precision, thereby providing fewer incisions to the patients as compared to human hands. This leads to lesser chances of pain or loss of blood, infections as well as help in recovering the patient quickly.
In addition to this, AI can also assist in providing nursing assistants. This doesn’t mean that the technology will replace nurses, but instead can provide the patient with clear understanding. There is a separate room for virtual nursing assistants whose main aim is on the patient.
By following certain programs created by the physician, this device can help in offering the right advice, making a decision as well as talking to the patients. The AI can examine the medications and it can signal a healthcare provider if an intervention is required. Indeed, there is a great impact of artificial intelligence in medical field.
However, to understand and analyze the complicated medical data & patients health, getting health-related AI application designed can be helpful. For this, all you need is to hire AI developer.
Privacy & Security of Medical Database
Criminals find medical database quite useful in order to steal anyone’s identity or sell the information.thanks to artificial intelligence as it can help in keeping all the medical records securely and safely.
Also, it can detect the pattern which signals towards known or unknown malware. The best part about this technology is that when intrusions attempts are identified, it can get shut down automatically.
Good Read: What is RPA – Robotic Process Automation and how is it benefiting various businesses?
Final Thoughts
Undeniably, there is a significant impact of AI in the healthcare sector. This technology has picked up steam in recent years and is still fledgling in many ways. While these technologies are not going to take control over the healthcare sector or human professionals completely, it is quite exciting to follow the developments and witness new tools coming in the medical field which are indeed helping in shaping the future of healthcare.
Author’s Bio
Ruchita is a voracious reader and loves to write on technology-related articles. She holds a pretty good knowledge of the latest technology trends and is well-versed in creating content strategy deliverables across project life cycles. She is associated with Resourcifi Inc. – a Staff Augmentation Company.