Odd Ways to Bring Your Old Smart Device Back to Life
One of the best things to do while staying at home is to clean and organize your things. If you happen to see your old smartphones lying around, don’t throw them out. Electronic waste or e-waste is a growing global concern. The US has joined forces with international agencies to address this problem. Throwing your old phone away will only contribute to the issue.
Besides, there are unique and creative ways to upcycle old devices. From vehicle locators to mobile wallets, here are some odd ideas on how to bring your smartphones back to life.
Driving Aid
Instead of using your new smartphone as a driving aid or navigator, why not turn your old phone into a dedicated driving aid. All you have to do is to install a map app like Google Maps on your old but still working device, and it’s ready to use. The good thing about Google Maps is that its maps are available even without mobile data. You now have a dedicated driving aid in your vehicle.
Mobile Wallet
When you hear the term “mobile wallet,” the first thing that comes to mind is an e-wallet or virtual wallet. However, your broken smartphone can be used as a real mobile wallet to hold your credit cards and bills. Dismantling an old phone is easy, according to Samsung phone repair specialists in Utah. But after converting it into a mobile wallet, just make sure to dispose of its internal parts properly. Ask your local recycling center if they can accept e-waste for proper disposal.
Help Kids Love Reading
Don’t worry; this doesn’t count as encouraging kids to be app dependent. Install only kid-friendly reading apps on your old smartphone to encourage your child or sibling to read. You can read along with them and ask questions after the reading session. Think of it as using technology to teach kids the value of reading.
Adventure Companion
If you’re the adventurous type who likes biking in mountain trails or other extreme sporting activities, turn your old device into an action camera. Record all your adventures in high definition and share it on your social media accounts. The trick is to find a compatible mounting unit for your bicycle, helmet, or body. No need to fumble for your smartphone if you have a dedicated video recording device.
Vehicle Finder or Locator
Apart from your vehicle’s alarm system, an old smartphone can act as a back-up vehicle security device. Make sure it’s installed in a safe place that can easily connect via GPS or mobile data. There are online tutorials on how to install it in your vehicle. If something happens to your car, this old phone can help you track your vehicle.
These are just some of the ways you can save your smartphone from ending up in the dumpster. Some mobile phone manufacturers encourage users to swap their devices to either upgrade their units or exchange them for discount credits. You can also opt to donate your unit or units to charity to raise funds for their respective causes.