Do it regularly for maximum results.
Who doesn’t want to have healthy, shiny white teeth? Of course everyone wants that. However, many factors can make teeth turn yellow. Yellow teeth condition can reduce a person’s self-confidence. White and shiny teeth will make us smile and look more attractive.
Based on research from the American Dental Association involving several respondents, as many as 87 percent of respondents stated that they feel happy when they see other people smile, especially if they have white teeth.
Biologically, the white color of our teeth is a transparent layer of tooth enamel. While the color of the dentin layer in it has the color of the layer that is on the part between the dentin and the enamel. Yellowish tooth color or gray stains can appear with increasing age. In addition, certain foods can also change the color of the white teeth you previously had.
Have yellow teeth problem? Check out some natural ways to whiten teeth. Well, here are 13 natural ways to whiten teeth without side effects, reported by from various sources
1. Wood charcoal
Maybe many of you don’t know that charcoal can whiten teeth quickly. This sounds unnatural because the charcoal is black. Maybe you are confused about how charcoal can clean and remove stains on yellow teeth.
Charcoal contains activated carbon compounds that can quickly erode tooth enamel stains. However, charcoal cannot be used as an ingredient in routine dental care.
Here’s how to whiten teeth using charcoal.
(1) Grind wood charcoal into powder.
(2) Mix the charcoal powder with a little water and apply the paste on the teeth for a few minutes.
(3) Gargle with warm water and see the changes.
(4) Use charcoal a maximum of twice a month because charcoal can damage the protective layer of teeth and cause teeth to become sensitive.
2. Apple cider vinegar.
Several studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can remove stains on teeth, especially those caused by caffeine. Really suitable for tea or coffee lovers or smokers! Gargling with apple cider vinegar can also kill bacteria in the mouth.
Here’s how to whiten teeth using apple cider vinegar.
(1) Dissolve two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in half a glass of water.
(2) Gargle with the solution for about one minute.
(3) To neutralize the condition of the mouth after rinsing with apple cider vinegar, you should brush your teeth with the toothpaste you normally use.
(4) Do this treatment regularly twice a week.
3. Orange peel.
Maybe for most people, orange peel is considered trash and is not used even though it has many benefits. Besides being useful for beauty, orange peel contains vitamin C which can be used to whiten teeth.
Here’s how to whiten teeth using orange peel.
(1) Make a paste of dried orange peel powder then blend until smooth.
(2) Mix the orange peel powder with enough water.
(3) Apply the orange peel paste on the teeth and let it sit for about three minutes.
(4) Gargle with warm water.
(5) Do this treatment twice a week for optimal results.
4. Baking soda.
Baking soda is one of the natural ingredients that is very popular and is often used to whiten teeth. Baking soda is a white powder that is commonly used as a developer for foods such as cakes and other foods.
Excessive use of baking soda is also not good, because it can damage teeth. Therefore, you should use baking soda once or twice a month.
Here’s how to whiten teeth using baking soda.
(1) Make a baking soda paste by mixing two tablespoons of baking soda with one tablespoon of water.
(2) Apply the paste on the teeth and leave it on for three minutes.
(3) Rinse and rinse your mouth with warm water.
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