Maybe you are familiar with the word curettage or curette. When having a miscarriage, women will usually undergo a curette. However, many say that the curette is painful so that it causes fear and is reluctant to do it to people who want to live it.
Does the curette hurt?
Curette is not too painful because the procedure is usually done with anesthesia or anesthesia. However, this action can cause cramps that are similar to menstrual cramps so the doctor will give you painkillers.
The pain felt when curettage tends to be mild. In addition, for a while, you will also feel dizzy, nauseous, and even vomit due to anesthesia. Sometimes spotting or mild bleeding can occur.
if you are looking for curette services, you can visit the Klinik Raden Saleh. They are the Klinik Kuret Jakarta with experience in dealing with curettes
However, if you experience the following symptoms after a curette, you should immediately contact a doctor:
- Heavy and long bleeding
- Stomach ache
- Fever
- A foul-smelling liquid comes out of the vagina
Although the curette is only done for 10-15 minutes, but you may need time to rest for several hours after doing the curette. It’s best not to have sexual intercourse for about two weeks to prevent bacteria from entering the uterus, and rest enough so that you recover quickly. Within one or two days, people who do curette are usually able to move again.
Curette function
Curette can diagnose or treat certain conditions in the uterus. Doctors will recommend a curette if you experience abnormal uterine bleeding, bleeding after menopause, there are abnormal endometrial cells.
In conducting the test, the doctor will collect tissue samples from the uterine lining and test the samples in the laboratory. This test can detect endometrial hyperplasia (a pre-cancerous condition), uterine polyps, and uterine cancer.
While in the treatment, the doctor will do a curette to clean the tissue that is in the uterus after a miscarriage or abortion, eliminate pregnant grapes, clean all the placenta left in the uterus, and remove cervical poip or uterus. In treatment, the doctor will do a curette along with hysteroscopy.
Curette complications are rare, but there are risks such as uterine perforation (uterine hole), cervical damage, scar tissue in the uterine wall, and infection. Always consult your doctor about any of your concerns about curettage.
Curette process after miscarriage
In medical terms, a curette is called a D&C (dilation and curettage). Curettage is known as a surgical procedure that is performed after an unintended miscarriage. It aims to remove the remnants of pregnancy.
However, curette is actually a spoon-shaped tool that is
used to slowly erode the lining of the uterine lining. When doing the curette
process, the doctor will give you anesthesia or anesthetic to relax the body.
Then, the doctor will expand the cervix using a device called laminaria.
tool is used to suck the fluid in the cervix so that it becomes open and wide.
Not only that, your doctor will also use medicines to help soften and numb your cervix. After the cervix is open just about 4 cm wide, the doctor will use a curette to clean the lining and contents of your uterus.