Nintendo Releases VR Toys for Switch Through Labo

Until a year ago, Nintendo was still reluctant to work in the world of virtual reality (VR). In early 2018, for example, the Japanese company assumed that this technology was still not feasible to be distributed in the mainstream way.

Now, they are actually announcing to start the VR sector. Admittedly indeed, their way is fairly anti-mainstream than other players, for example Playstation.

They are now using Labo to apply the VR system to the Switch console. Cardboard equipment can support the VR concept on a hybrid console? It certainly becomes a new idea in providing virtual reality experiences for players.

This VR set is a game package, or what is referred to as Toy-Con, the fourth one owned by Labo. Previously, there was a basic package that contained a remote control, a fishing pole, and so on, then there were robotic equipment, and finally the media for racing

Based on the official website, this Toy-Con 04 VR Kit will be available on April 12. Then, how much price does Nintendo set for virtual reality equipment for the Switch?

saToy-Con 04 VR Kit, Nintendo’s new VR toy for the Switch console through Labo products. Photo: Nintendo

The standard package, aka the starter kit, is priced at USD 39.99, or around Rp. 500 thousand, as quoted from The Verge on Friday (03/08/2019). As the name implies, the contents are also standard, only in the form of goggles for VR and shots or Toy-Con Blaster. If you want a more interesting one, Nintendo also has a complete package for this new toy.

The manufacturer of the Wii console and Game Boy provides the main package that contains a starter kit plus Toy-Con Camera, Toy-Con Elephant, Toy-Con Bird, and Toy-Con Wind Pedal with a tag of USD7. 99, or around Rp. 1 million. The last four toys can also be purchased separately for USD 20 (Rp. 200 thousand) per package, namely Toy-Con Camera + Toy-Con Elephant or Toy-Con Bird + Toy-Con Wind Pedal.

Indeed, this is not Nintendo’s first attempt at trying their luck in the VR world. In the 90s, the company was present with Virtual Boy, but received less positive response from the market.

If it used to be too early for Nintendo to release a VR device, would the latest package from Labo for this Switch be successful? By looking at the popularity of the two names, there is nothing wrong if you call this new Nintendo toy will be more titled than its predecessor.