5 mins read

Tips and Guidelines for Making Good Articles

Articles can be considered as the “King” of all content. Articles are not only the business of bloggers, journalists, or copywriters. As one of the most flexible, dynamic, and efficient types of content, writing articles actually has to be the business of all content creators or brands or businesses that want to do the Content Marketing program.

Characteristics of quality articles are interesting, provoking curiosity, readability, provoking reactions, and providing value to readers. When this is fulfilled, your article will automatically make readers like your website, and eventually become your brand follower, and this means, you are just one step away from helping your products and services.

 Write Quality and Readable Articles

Quality articles for websites, brand channels or blogs are not just typing long sentences, without knowing how to make them attractive and Good.

The article that you have tried to write is as interesting as possible, lest the title is only seen in the title row on the Google page without being clicked on to read the contents of the article. Even if clicked, is the article thoroughly read? Were they involved in reading the article? Does the article, visitors become interested in reading other articles?

If you feel you have written articles for your brand with no results, maybe you did something wrong, and your article is not optimal. But don’t worry, you are not alone.

Because of the fact, according to Jakob Nielsen, readers only read about 20{ae514a3737d85ea64aeb2cb88bf523835c3e1315e3b3c65ffee7dd6cf13b9d2b} of every page of the website!

That percentage is from an average of 1500 words per article in Content Marketing. Even articles that are shared hundreds of times may not be read until the end of the writing by internet users.


That according to Neil Patel because there are three types of article readers on the internet.

  • Readers share articles without reading them to the end. Hypocrites reader type.
  • The reader only reads the headline and headlines, then stops reading. This type of Quitters reader.
  • The reader starts reading the headline, and goes straight down to reading the conclusion. Cheaters reader type.

Need to work around the habits of readers of this kind of article, so that the articles you write on the website are still interesting and of good quality to read. It could even be viral.

You need practical steps on how to make articles that are interesting and readable.

Practical steps to make a good article

Try implementing the following steps as a way to create articles that can attract traffic on the internet. Sometimes you can also buy article content, currently buypapercheap offers high quality writing service content creation services at affordable prices.

1. Use a Language Style That Appropriate to Your Article Reader

Make articles that fit the needs and character of the reader. Different article topics will also have different categories of readers, and will also differ in how to write them, depending on who the article is intended for.

So, in writing, center your mindset to create articles for these engaged users on your website!

2. Lure the Reader with a Beautiful Title

Articles for online media are different from articles written for newspapers or magazines, where the reader already has the full intention to read the content. Online media articles need to have allure. So, when people want to know or search for guidelines on Google, your article is the most interesting with just a glance of the eye

Some Tips to Beautify Article Title:

• Create a Title That Directly Shows Benefits.

• Numbers in the title give a practical impression

• Build Reader’s Curiosity With Questions

3. Optimize Headlines and Initial Paragraphs

In storytelling and writing, there is the concept of beginning-middle-end.

Beginning or the front and beginning of the story – or in the case of articles, are 1-3 paragraphs in the beginning – is a position where you should be able to get the attention of the audience, by presenting what is most important and what will be the reason for the audience in making the decision to continue reading or not.

4. Pamper the Eye of the Reader with a good Writing Format

Articles that are too full of text and without variant format will make the article look boring, long, and make people run away before reading it.

Some things you can do to make your writing sexier, for example:

• Use short paragraphs, and play the length of each paragraph.

• Use numbering or bullet points.

• Use different paragraphs or margins.

• Play font size and spacing between lines.

• Use a quote or blockquote.

• Insert pictures and graphics.

• Understand the ‘F’ pattern of reading from readers on the internet.

5. Cover the article strongly

When they arrive at the end of an article, readers often begin to lose direction about everything they read. This is the time for you to give a strong attachment, which will be one of the most memorable from your article.

Have fun writing quality articles!